The tomato to the left is a Mr. Stripey, the most prolific of all of this year's crop.

These pink and yellow snapdragons are my favorites of all the blossoms in my garden. Their colors are stunning, and they are such a joy to me everyday.
And your frugal tip for today concerns embossing. Embossing powder can be clingy stuff, and often it sticks to places you don't intend. To minimize cling on your paper or CS, there are products you can rub over your paper that keeps the EP on the stamped areas only and off the rest of your paper. i've never bought any of these products and can't lay claim to their abilities. While searching online last year, i discovered that a sheet of fabric softener works in the same way, so i've been using those ever since. One sheet can last through multiple uses and adds the extra benefit of making your project smell nice, too. Why buy an extra tool when we all have something at home we buy anyway that can do the job? Gotta' love that!
Thanks for stopping by, and i hope you all have a fantastic day!